What's next?
Now the pandemic nears its end as a stranglehold over society and movements, like many others I am left wondering about what sort of life we are all returning to, and is it more accurate to call it our new world, the post pandemic one. The words “return to normal” are meaningless now. There is no more normal. That was then, this is now.
I’ve often brought up with students in the GroovyKids trainings, how many kids use screens in some way for educational purposes, and what might be the drawbacks that aren’t immediately felt in the student, for example, the rewiring of the brain from a completely creative free wheeling anything is possible-to a series of pre determined algorithms that limit rather than free the user.
Post pandemic, 100% of the kids have been exposed to learning via a screen. This is the momentous shift in learning that will be the end of learning as we knew it.
“There is nothing either good nor bad but thinking makes it so. ”
The year that has passed is now simply a fact, we must look at where we are now and what we want from a future that may well include a pandemic or two more. The shock of business being shuttered and eventually forced out of business, worldwide, not only local to me here, has left many wondering what next. I’m sure that many business owners felt the same as me, great sadness, grief, disbelief, frustration and eventually forced resignation at the writing on the wall.