It’s August, 2021
It’s time to start
I started looking for myself as soon as I realized. I had one. This path led me to many practices and disciplines, although generally anything that involved discipline rarely matched well with me. Besides the obvious philosophical paths, I explored others that had great passion for me. I. was fortunate to begin working in the yoga world in the mid to late 90’s, and perhaps even more fortunate to work with kids and seniors as well as the folks in between. In 2006 I created GroovyKids Yoga and subsequently took my 10 and 20 hour weekend workshops to 20 countries and over 1,500 students worldwide.
When the great re-set of 2020 came and the Corona Virus worked it’s way through us all, I decided to re-evaluate and re-create. I’ve taken all of my knowledge and experience, and have distilled it for the post covid world, one where relationship and community have become more important than ever.
If we have learned anything, it is surely that we all share the same hopes and fears and dreams and desires. We all experience joy and grief in our life, these things are inescapable. Emotions, some fleeting and some overstaying the welcome; these are what unites us. It is grief and joy, different versions of these, that we all share.
Yoga helps because it is a non judgmental approach. You cannot be wrong, you cannot be good or bad at it. You simply do it as you are able, at that particular moment.
It is this approach that allows equally teaching to kids and teaching to Grandparents, because this approach honors the student equally as the teacher. It is the Yoga of now. The Yoga of being here.